Ch​ange Makers' Education Society

Raven Tales Storytelling Revival programs at
K'oomtk Drop-in Centre for Young Adults
Raven Tales Storytelling Revival programs at
K'oomtk Drop-in Centre for Young Adults

Leadership Program
Join our Canada Service Corps Program

Activating Activism a Youth Assembly
Join us for to awaken and thrive March 24 and 25
Gay, Straight Alliance & Peer Support
RCMP designated Safe Place
Raven Tale Storytelling Revival (RTSR) is a leadership program for young adults ages 15 to 30. RTSR is an exciting "Canada Youth Services Corps" project that Change Makers is offering over the next year to provide young adults with meaningful service opportunities.
Through the project, young adults will explore Truth and Reconciliation by connecting with elders, learning about traditional teachings and working with mentors in theatre and film-making to develop and share their own stories about the realities that impact them today and their hopes for the future.
Raven Tales Storytelling Revival is a project of discovery involving Canada’s past, present, and future with First Nations people. We will learn how their culture and resilience go hand in hand.
We welcome all young adults that are interested in theatre, writing plays, performing and creating weekly vlogs.
Through this project, young adults will develop a variety of skills including: effective oral and written communication, critical and creative thinking, time management, leadership and self-confidence, team work and self-discipline.
Youth will also gain multimedia experience: working with video and audio equipment, recording, editing and posting on social media platforms, and learning how to enhance video quality.
The end goal is to produce their very own written play, and document the experience with video. The group will perform the play for the community at different planned events. The multimedia facilitator will be educating the group on video and audio equipment. Creating weekly vlogs to update our social media pages on the progress of the project.
Click here to view our linktree, including news articles, and other events from this program!
Contact: Trista Lewis, Youth Engagement Worker
Email: RavenTaleStorytelling@Outlook.com
Office number: 250-627-4100
Location: K'oomtk, Suite 151 in the Ocean Center Mall, Prince Rupert, BC
FaceBook Page: Raven Tales Storytelling
Call for Submissions
Topic: Innovation for Social Justice
Call for Submissions
Topic: Innovation for Social Justice
With Our Grasp Zine
Submit to RavenTaleStorytelling@Outlook.com
Change Makers’ is creating a zine in the community of Prince Rupert, BC (and surrounding areas) as a platform for those that are passionate in their work and/or beliefs.
If you would like to add to Change Makers’ Zine, reach out and have your story shared.
Guide Lines:
-This is open to everyone.
-Submissions accepted: photos, stories, poems and art work.
-All submissions must be your personal work.
-Include name to be published with work or you may choose to remain anonymous. Max word count 800.
-You may include a short bio, and a description. (Both optional)
-Advertising space available.
-Submit work to ChangeMakersEducation@outlook.com
Zine to be published Annually
Our Recent Work
Our Recent Work
Cedar Roses With Sandra Smith
Cedar Roses With Sandra Smith
Youth learned how to make cedar roses.
Culture Days 2021
Culture Days 2021
A film about what we were up to over the pandemic.
Some Past Events:
Some Past Events:
March 2021
March 2021

Spring is on the horizon!
Amazing new programs
Spring is on the horizon!
Amazing new programs
We have some great new programs for our young adults in the Raven Tales and Soar programs.
Ryanne will be helping our Soar program clients navigate living with others while preparing to get into their own homes! Raven Tales participants are welcome to join any program that interests them.
We also have Symbia Barnaby hosting wellness programs for our young adults.
Symbia is also hosting beading workshops on the last two Saturdays of the month.
Wellness Check-ins
Mondays 6:00-7:00
Join us for a wellness check-in, share success stories and any worries you have.
It's been a long year. Remember, we are all in this together.
Get encouragement, feedback and resources.
Share your progress on our weekly challenges and enter for prizes.
Creative Activities
Tuesdays 3:00-6:00
Join Ryanne each week for a chance to connect, chat and explore your creative side.
Try new styles of art like creating your own Sky Design, learn traditional First Nations form-line designs and try some expressive art. There will also be a book night where you will get to talk about your favourite books or books you want to read or what you're reading right now.
Life Skills Program
Wednesdays 4:00-6:00
Every week, Ryanne will be offering tips and tricks to help improve your success in life.
Every step of the job search will be covered starting with resumes, then job hunting tips and interview prep. There will be budgeting tips and we can't forget that nowadays cleaning is super important to keep our loved ones safe from COVID-19
Wellness Group
Thursdays 4:00-6:00
This is a safe space for young adults to chat about wellness, to learn new ways to deal with wellness issues and to express themselves.
Creative Storm: Explore your Creativity through Art
Fridays 3:30-6:00
Create Papier mache sculptures, make homemade soap for yourself and your loved ones, and help with the Kaien show. If you have a creative idea in mind but aren't sure how to get started, we'll do our best to help you.
Beading with Symbia
Saturday, March 20th and March 27th
We have space onsite for a limited number of people to work within their bubble and maintain social distancing.
Sign up early so you don't miss out.
Preregistration is recommended for all activities and is required for the onsite Soap making and Beading so we can ensure social distancing and adequate supplies.
Februa​ry 2021
Februa​ry 2021

Gear up for the Kaien Show
Program updates
Gear up for the Kaien Show
Program updates
We are getting ready to organize our Kaien Fusion of Fashion, Culture and Dance, or the Kaien show for short. This show will be virtual, like many local events this year.
This means that the young adults in our program get to learn what it takes to organize a virtual event and possibly learn about different cultures in the process all while improving their employability skills.
Make and Mend
Every Monday afternoon from 3:30-6:00
Where you can explore textile arts, learning how to use a sewing machine, or how to hand stitch items such as masks, pajamas, or baby items. (Fashion... Kaien Show)
Creative Storm
Every Thursday afternoon from 3:30-6:00
Creative art! Anything you can think of. Art is drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, design and so on.
We have a cedar weaving workshop scheduled. (Culture... Kaien Show)
If you have an idea in mind, message our Facebook page and let us know ahead of time and we may be able to figure something out! We normally have something planned but we'll work with you on your ideas as well. If possible, we will try to do all of this through video chat or video conferencing.
Cultural Learning Connections
Every Friday afternoon from 3:30-6:00
There are so many different cultures in the world! What better way to learn about them than getting involved in this program.
If you would like to expand your cultural knowledge, this is the program for you.
We have a scheduled cedar weaving workshop and any creations could be entered in the Kaien Show.
The activities and workshops that we host have the goal of building a more resilient community.
Make & Mend
Make & Mend
Explore textile arts! Learn how to use hand sewing techniques and use sewing machines to create functional and fashionable items including masks, baby items, quilts, or PJs.
Create new fashion, design regalia, or construct costumes.
We have a variety sewing supplies and notions available for you to use.
You could even message us on Facebook
Creative Storm
Creative Storm
Thursday in
We will use this time to experiment with mixed media and create many different works of art.
Each week will have new activities depending on the ideas of the group.
Due to COVID-19, we ask that you let us know ahead of time if you plan to join onsite and to please wear a mask. We'll set up a safe, physically distanced work space for you.
You are welcome to set up a time to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule. We are happy to work with you outside of these times – drop us an email and we will make it happen!
You could even message us on Facebook
January 2021
January 2021

Happy New Year everyone!
Programs for the New Year
Happy New Year everyone!
Programs for the New Year
The Raven Tales Program is geared towards meaningful and culturally related programs for young adults (typically aged 15-30) in our community. It’s a chance to come out and craft, read, write, or sew.
Make and Mend
Happening every Monday from 3:30PM-6PM
Where you can explore textile arts, learning how to use a sewing machine, or how to hand stitch items such as masks, pajamas, or baby items.
Vision Boards
Wednesdays from 1PM-3PM.
Set goals for the year with a vision board. A different way to visualize. With 2 weeks left, you still have time to get this done.
Creative Storm
This is a chance to experiment with mixed media and create your own personal work of art, the activities vary every week depending on ideas from everyone in the group.
Fabulous Fashion Beading
We recently created beautiful "women in regalia" earrings.
We can help you learn the basics and how to design your own beadwork.
With the COVID19 BC mandates in place, it's been challenging to get participants to come out. In the last couple of months, we have offered for items to be picked up at Change Makers to be completed at home, or to collaborate and join in on workshops or meetings via zoom.
Coming up in February we have a traditional cedar weaving workshop, where the youth will learn to make bracelets and medicine bags. Last but not least, we would love to start a walking club; where you can exercise, get some fresh air, and meet new people in the community while keeping a safe distance.
The activities and workshops that we facilitate have the goal of building a more resilient community.
Make & Mend
Make & Mend
Explore textile arts! Learn how to use hand sewing techniques and use sewing machines to create functional and fashionable items including masks, baby items, quilts, or PJs.
Create new fashion, design regalia, or construct costumes.
We have a variety sewing supplies and notions available for you to use.
You could even message us on Facebook
Vision Boards
Vision Boards
Wednesday in
Join us as we plan and create a vision board to guide us through 2021.
You can connect through our zoom link and gather supplies that you may have on hand or you can register to come to Change Makers and gather some resources and inspiration from our art supplies.
We will share some vision board success stories and inspiration. We will work through a process to help you clarify your goals and purpose for 2021. Release thoughts that have been holding you back, and set yourself up for success in the new year!
You could even message us on Facebook
Creative Storm
Creative Storm
Thursday in
We will use this time to experiment with mixed media and create many different works of art.
Each week will have new activities depending on the ideas of the group.
Due to COVID-19, we ask that you let us know ahead of time if you plan to join onsite and to please wear a mask. We'll set up a safe, physically distanced work space for you.
You are welcome to set up a time to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule. We are happy to work with you outside of these times – drop us an email and we will make it happen!
You could even message us on Facebook
Fabulous Fashion
Fabulous Fashion
Fridays in
Continue Scrolling to see our events from 2020
Continue Scrolling to see our events from 2020
September 2020
September 2020

Raven Tales Storytelling Revival
Program updates
Write Your Truth
This is an inclusive and experimental creative writing workshop where young adults can explore their voice through storytelling.
Our goals are to create various types of zines and to continue cultural storytelling techniques.
Your Host: Stefanie
Location: Change Makers' Education Society at 661 McKay St.
Day and Time: Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30
Cultural Learning Connections
These sessions take place every Friday, however you are welcome to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule.
This is an opportunity to meet with guest hosts, and learn more about cultural practices that take place in this area. All sessions include hands-on work to reflect on the learning our guests will offer.
Please look to the Raven Tales Storytelling Facebook and Instagram pages to learn who will be hosting, the time for the session, and where it will take place.
Story weaving: Living Languages
Every Friday in September we joined together to create an outdoor art installation at McKay St. Dog Park, near Change Makers’ office.
Staff and youth were mentored by an Indigenous language knowledge keeper to choose culturally meaningful words that will be woven with natural materials into the fence surrounding the park.
Lighting the Fire: Sparking Change
This is a series that started in August. It was focused on how people have used and still use fire today to create, perform and in traditional ceremonies.
Chris Nelson and Karen Buchanan held their events at the end of August and both were spectacular. I hope you'll join us next time.
Sept 2nd, 16th
& 30th
Sept 2nd, 16th
& 30th
Raven Tales Storytelling | Write Your Truth
Raven Tales Storytelling | Write Your Truth
You can join us in person or through Zoom, our links are posted on our Facebook Page.
Write Your Truth is an inclusive and experimental creative writing workshop where youth can explore their voice through storytelling. Our goals are to create various types of zines and to continue cultural storytelling techniques. Our workshops will be held at Change Makers’ Education Society hosted by Stefanie on Wednesdays throughout the month of August.
You can learn more about our program on our Facebook Page or by Contacting us at (250) 627-4100 or by email ChangeMakersEducation@outlook.com
Raven Tales Storytelling | Creative Storm
Raven Tales Storytelling | Creative Storm
You can join us in person or through Zoom, our links are posted on our Facebook Page.
The following sessions take place every week, however you are welcome to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule. We are happy to collaborate with you outside of these times as well.
Creative Storm Drop-in is a series of open-ended sessions that welcomes everyone to drop-in and choose creative ways to design and build art projects that reflect stories of reconciliation.
You can learn more about our program on our Facebook Page or by Contacting us at (250) 627-4100 or by email ChangeMakersEducation@outlook.com

Memorial Pole for Mom project continues
Join us as we visit Lyle Campbell one last time as a group on Wednesday, August 5th.
Lighting the Fire: Sparking Change continues ...
Lighting the Fire: Sparking Change is a series that explores some of the ways humans use and understand fire. In this series we will meet with a traditional helper, a silver carver, and a performance artist to experience how they each work with fire. Fire safety measures will be in place.
Jabu Bell
Jabu Bell is a Haida artist from Massett BC on Haida Gwaii. He currently practices out of his home in Prince Rupert.
His focus is jewelry and ornamental pieces. He has also done blanket designs and other various drawings throughout the years.
Jabu joined us on July 30th to share how he uses heat and fire to set his jewelry into a cement so that when he's engraving the pieces, they are set in place so that his detail work won't get damaged while working.
Karen Buchanan
Karen came to Kaien Island from the Atlantic coast in 2012.
She is a performance artist with a theatre background who believes that art and live performance allow for transformative learning opportunities, and offer useful tools to engage in deeper conversations about important issues.
She is also a wild-crafter, gardener, maker of soaps, potions and general magic, and formally trained as a Chartered Herbalist from Dominion Herbal College.
Through an exploration in nature, the group will learn about some sacred fire elements and explore how to use them to create a magical space to enhance the power of storytelling. We will walk the trails and gather for a beach fire at Butze Rapids.
Chris Nelson
We are invited to gather with Chris Nelson, who is a traditional helper. Chris will describe who he is and what he does.
The group will receive a cleansing in the form of a smudge, and learn the basics of how to ask for help.
Chris will work with people’s energy to guide the work we will do, and support others to set out intentions. He will work with where everyone is at, and may introduce a traditional fire ceremony to the group.
Creative Storm continues ... with a new focus.
The "Creative Storm: Outdoor Art Show" sessions take place every week, however you are welcome to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule.
Please let us know when you'd like to drop-in ahead of time so we can be ready. Call us at 250 627 4100 or drop us an email at ChangeMakersEducation@outlook.com and we will make it happen!
Creative Storm is a series of open-ended sessions that welcomes everyone to drop-in and choose creative ways to design and build outdoor art projects that reflect stories of reconciliation. The art projects will be combined to create an outdoor walking art show. Maps
will be provided to find our art works, and the public will be invited to view the Creative Storm.
Save the date! Outdoor Art Show on Saturday, August 22nd.
Write Your Truth
Write Your Truth is an inclusive and experimental creative writing workshop where young adults can explore their voice through storytelling.
Our goals are to create various types of zines and to continue cultural storytelling techniques.
Your Hosts: Stefanie and Alfred
Location: Change Makers' Education Society at 661 McKay St.
Day and Time: Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30
Cultural Learning Connections
These sessions take place every Friday, however you are welcome to drop-in whenever it fits your schedule.
This is an opportunity to meet with guest hosts, and learn more about cultural practices that take place in this area. All sessions include hands-on work to reflect on the learning our guests will offer.
Please look to the Raven Tales Storytelling Facebook and Instagram pages to learn who will be hosting, the time for the session, and where it will take place.
Story weaving: Living Languages
For the week of August 17th - 21st we will come together to create an outdoor art installation at McKay St. Dog Park, near Change Makers’ office.
Youth will be mentored by Indigenous language knowledge keepers to choose culturally meaningful words that will be woven with natural materials into the fence surrounding the park.
Youth will mentor younger children in the neighbourhood on how to weave fresh branches into the chain link fence, and share in the learning of living languages.
August 2020
August 2020
Raven Tales Storytelling | Creative Storm
Creative Storm Drop-in is a series of open-ended sessions that welcomes everyone to drop-in and choose creative ways to design and build outdoor art projects that reflect stories of reconciliation. The art projects will be combined to create an outdoor walking art show. Maps will be provided to find our art works, and the public will be invited to view the Creative Storm Outdoor Art Show on Saturday, August 22nd. Get ready to create waterproof outdoor art!
August 7 & 14
August 7 & 14
Raven Tales Storytelling | Cultural Learning Connections
Please join us from 2-4 pm at Change Makers', 661 McKay Street. We will explore stories of shape sifters from different nations and creative ways to express them as outdoor art pieces. What do these stories mean? How can we see them as a picture, painting, figure, or mask?
Please contact us at literacy@CMES@outlook.com to let us know that you are coming. We will plan for safe social distancing workspaces.
We look forward to seeing you here!

Summertime Fun
Programs to inspire creativity
We will continue with artistic explorations exploring Truth and Reconciliation while working with youth via Zoom meetings and, if they're on site, social distancing.
On site - In sight was one of the weekly events in June and it will continue in July! It's so much fun!
On site-In sight explores outdoor places and spaces and ways you might choose to interact with them.
Through a three-part series that photographs and videos outdoor sites in different ways, we will play with what it means to inhabit physical space. How does our work as artistic collaborators, change the meaning of spaces for people who come upon them?
This series is open to a broad range of ideas that we may have about space and place, and we are eager to dig into multiple ways of inviting the public to experience them.
It's all about you and your views. Creative Storm will also continue!
Creative Storm Drop-in is a series of open-ended sessions that welcomes everyone to drop-in and explore creative ways to express their Raven Tales Storytelling project experiences.
All explorations are entirely your own, and they may take one of many expressive forms, such as photos, poems, videos, comics, dances, raps, sculptures, monologues, sand art, and chalk drawings.
You are invited to post your expressions on the Raven Tales Storytelling Facebook page and Instagram accounts, although it is not required. We are also here to help you set up your own social media accounts and to give voice to your creativity through other online platforms such as TakingITGlobal.
Memorial Pole for Mom project with Lyle Campbell
We are invited to drop-in throughout the month of July where we will witness teams of carvers working on the totem pole.
Lyle extends a generous invitation to have us connect with the carvers’ ways of knowing, being and doing. We will open our hearts and minds to ask questions and share our thoughts as we learn about what the process of carving means culturally.
Our deeper understandings will be shared through photographs, text, and video creations that we craft in the moment and outside of the carving site (some of our other drop-in sessions will offer technical and creative support to make this happen).
About Lyle Campbell
Lyle Campbell is of the Sta-Sta-aas, Songalth Tribe of the Kaighani People of Haida Gwaii. He is a member of the Eagle Clan of the Edenshaw family.
He started drawing at the age of eight, and carving at the age of fourteen. Lyle spent two years studying formal design, and one year at the Gitanmaax School of Northwest Coast Indian Art at K’san in Hazelton, BC. He has had the privilege of working with many talented artists, including Haida artist Robert Davidson and Tsimshian artist Henry Green. Lyle now lives and works on his craft in Prince Rupert.
Following a 10-year hiatus from the art world, Lyle reinvented himself as an artist and carver. His newfound inspiration originates from his connection to the natural world, the power and beauty of Haida Gwaii, and the cultural songs and dance of the Haida People. During this time, he has also developed a new style, using more free-flowing design, applying bright colours and incorporating a playful and contemporary perspective.
About the Memorial Pole for Mom project by Lyle Campbell
This Haida Memorial Pole is to honour the life of a beautiful Haida Woman. Not just because she was my Mother but rather, some things just have to happen. I believe people in the world should know about her and her life. Perhaps to be inspired, maybe even a little kinder and accepting of one another. She was one who had faced so many challenges in life, yet displayed such graceful love, dignity and generosity.
Lighting the Fire: Sparking Change
Lighting the Fire: Sparking Change is a series that explores some of the ways humans use and understand fire.
In this series we will meet with a traditional helper, silver carver, and performance artist to experience how they work with fire. Fire safety measures will be in place.
July 2020
Raven Tales Storytelling | Creative Storm
Creative Storm welcomes young adults to drop-in online or join us in person. We will explore different ways to express your experiences and ideas for working towards reconciliation as you work on the Raven Tales Storytelling project.
July 2020
Raven Tales Storytelling | Memorial Pole for Mom
Join youth from Raven Tales Storytelling to experience the Memorial Pole for Mom carving project that is led by artist and carver Lyle Campbell.
Lyle extends a generous invitation to have us connect with the carvers’ ways of knowing, being and doing. We will open our hearts and minds to ask questions and share our thoughts as we witness this historic event and learn about what the process of carving means culturally.
July 9, 16 & 23
July 9, 16 & 23
Raven Tales Storytelling | On Site - In sight
Outdoor Gallery Space and Place
We will come together as a group (virtually and in person) to bring together our outdoor art practice. We will consider different ideas of how to group and possibly combine our designs to create an outdoor gallery space. This session will plan how and where we can lay out and construct our Outdoor Gallery Space and Place.

We're still here
Back in business...
We're still here
Back in business...
June 2020
June 2020
We've updated our program with this beautiful new summer logo!
And, we are Back in Business! Well, after shutting down for a couple of months, we will continue with artistic explorations exploring Truth and Reconciliation while working with youth via Zoom meetings and, if they're on site, social distancing.
We look forward to this new adventure with the youth in our program. Check out our Raven Tales Storytelling facebook page to keep updated with all of the live and virtual events we are hosting.
If you know any youth (15-30) who may be interested in joining us please refer them. New volunteers are always welcome!
Give us a call at 250-627-4100 to set up an appointment,
or by email at ChangeMakersEducation@outlook.com
Or, you can engage directly from the comfort of your home by joining Raven Tales Storytelling - Interactive Group.